From: Jason W Neyers <>
To: Obligations list <>
Date: 22/07/2020 14:39:12
Subject: ODG: Just Published!

Dear Colleagues:


Congratulations to the ODGers (and one SCUK justice) on the publication of the following books with Hart. All the descriptions and ordering details can be found below.




Place of Performance

A Comparative Analysis

Chukwuma Okoli


This book provides an unprecedented analysis on the place of performance. The central theme is that the place of performance is of considerable significance as a connecting factor in international commercial contracts. This book challenges and questions the approach of the European legislator for not explicitly giving special significance to the place of performance in determining the applicable law in the absence of choice for commercial contracts. It also contains, inter alia, an analogy to matters of foreign country mandatory rules, and the coherence between jurisdiction and choice of law. It concludes by proposing a revised Article 4 of Rome I Regulation, which could be used as an international solution by legislators, judges, arbitrators and other stakeholders who wish to reform their choice of law rules.


Chukwuma Okoli is Post-Doctoral Researcher in Private International Law at the TMC Asser Institute, The Hague.


May 2020   |   9781509936205   |   312pp   |   Hbk   |    RSP: £85  

Discount Price: £68

Order online at – use the code HE6 at the checkout to get 20% off your order!



A Casebook on Contract

Andrew Burrows


‘…provides everything you want in a case book: a stimulating, thought-provoking and up to date account of contract law. It combines both fantastic academic commentary and superbly selected materials making it simply one of the best contract law casebooks.’ Student Law Journal

This is the seventh, fully updated, edition of Professor Burrows' Casebook, offering law students the ideal way to discover and understand contract law through reading highlights from the leading cases.


Designed to be used either on its own or to supplement a contract law textbook, this book covers the undergraduate contract law course in a series of clearly presented and carefully structured chapters.


Andrew Burrows is Professor of the Law of England at the University of Oxford.


Jun 2020   |   9781509936144   |   960pp   |   Pbk   |    RSP: £36.99  

Discount Price: £29.59

Order online at – use the code HE6 at the checkout to get 20% off your order!




A Unified Approach to Contract Interpretation

Ryan Catterwell


Interpretation or construction is central to the operation of contract law. Despite the fundamental role it plays, there have been limited attempts to explain construction in holistic terms. This important book aims to fill that gap by offering a systematic exposition of the iterative process. It also goes further, suggesting practical solutions to disputes regarding questions of interpretation. The book argues that construction is not simply about establishing what words mean; it is a process through which objective intention is inferred from the choice of words in a contract. The interpretive process involves four steps: formulate the question of interpretation in dispute; explore competing answers to the question; analyse the admissible material supporting each interpretation; and weigh and balance the competing considerations. By so doing, the book offers a simple yet sophisticated framework for interpreting/constructing contracts.


Ryan Catterwell is Lecturer in Law at the TC Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland.


Jul 2020   |   9781509927579   |   320pp   |   Hbk   |    RSP: £80  

Discount Price: £64

Order online at – use the code HE6 at the checkout to get 20% off your order!





Contents of Commercial Contracts

Terms Affecting Freedoms

Edited by Paul S Davies and Magda Raczynska


Freedom of contract is a great strength of English law: indeed it is a key reason why English law is often the law of choice. But the terms of commercial contracts often restrict freedom of action. This book considers such terms. Leading commentators take stock of recent developments such as increased reliance on good faith/discretion and the rise of smart contracts. Insodoing, they make original contributions to ongoing debates concerning the limits to parties’ freedom of contract. This important subject will interest drafters of commercial contracts keen to ensure that contracts are clear and enforceable; litigators disputing the meaning, scope and validity of terms; and academics interested in the purpose and nature of the exercises involved.


Paul S Davies is Professor of Law and Magda Raczysnka is Lecturer in Law, both at University College London.


Jul 2020   |   9781509930494   |   488pp   |   Hbk   |    RSP: £100  

Discount Price: £80

Order online at – use the code HE6 at the checkout to get 20% off your order!



Happy Reading,



Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)